November 29, 2024

30 thoughts on “The 10 Best Hand Tool Brands of 2024 for Professional Users

  1. I was employed by Diamond Tool & Horseshoe Co in Duluth, MN for 25 years. We manufactured tools for SnapOn, Craftsman, SK Wayne, Klein , DuroChrome, Indestructible , Berylco and several others. However, I did not see Diamond Tool on your list of collectable tools ???? I myself have several tools that are one of a kind and some never released for sale.

  2. Are you kidding me? This is such utter bullshit. Maybe if you name this the best hand tools made in the USA, it would be ok, but you know it and I know it, there are other tool makers that are better than the ones on your list. Have you heard of Makita? You know, that brand that everybody who uses tools knows is probably the best. If you like your tools smaller, more comfortable in the hand, yet at the same time quieter and more powerful, you buy a Makita.

    Seriously, it is people like you that cause American brands to fall way behind other counties’. Why don’t we just stop importing all foreign tools like I’m sure you would do? Do you know what would happen? Our tools would practially stop improving because why improve if you don’t have anybody else to worry about. A little honesty goes a long way bro.

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